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Joseph Anzaldua grew up in Fort Worth, TX and has lived in North Texas all of his life. He studied English Literature at the University of North Texas. His interests include writing, reading comics, photography and spending time with his family and cats. 


© Joseph Anzaldua, 2019

Oh giant piece of wonder 

Living with me, 

When did you grow so big? 


With leaves so green 

And a trunk so brutal, 

You are a huge force 

Of nature that can be my home, 


That could be my haven.


Your roots grow 

Through the ground enveloping 

Everything in its path. 


Adapting to the


Next to you

That God and Men have 



Nature has a way of doing that. 


Providing me with shade from the sun 

but blocking me from the rain. 


Taking my warmth 

and taking the life of the 

Green grass below.


Acting as an anchor for the lightning storm. 


If you fall, 

I will be destroyed 

in your path.

Treasure Hunting

© Joseph Anzaldua, 2019

I am here, 

Unable to recognize 

What’s there 

In my mind,


The emotion that eats at me. 

Except I know 

That the truth is worse than any



It is nothing. 


Empty and void 


For no one to find because 

Even when I look, 

And when I search with 

All the light of the world 


I become 



© Joseph Anzaldua, 2019

At midnight, I look at the 

shadow of the door and think, 

Why I didn’t shut it?


I kept it open for a long time 

Waiting for people to 

Come inside, but I never closed it. 


Some came and some had gone but they

All had their choice to leave. 


Just as I wept alone, 

I wondered how long before she came back, 


Before I came back...


It was open just for her but instead 

the festering wave 

Of sin would come attack me 


I didn’t shut it … 


I should've shut it…



It embraces the misery 

I share with the darkness 


The same darkness that is nice 

to those who play along.


The same shadows that take me 

from one degenerated home 

To the next broken heart. 


The same emptiness that 

I stare at waiting

for a reflection 

Of my better days with 

the light by my side. 


I didn’t close it.


With The elation so intense,

it held me 

upon a pinnacle 

Of my own fantasies.


The dreams that would mean 


because they were just that ... 

An imaginary world.


Because when I was no longer


Life was higher than the beauty 

of my own 



I sit at the strike of 12 

wondering if it’s noon

Or night

Thinking why didn’t I shut the 



she left. 


Maybe I’ll do it next time


I am alone with myself 

in a new asylum 


At times, the void

is so thick I look to my bottle for 

A shred of hope. 


When I see past 

my empty glass

There becomes another source 

Of new light 


It is blinding. 

But once my eyes


It will be 



When I awoke

to the face of the sun

a voice suddenly rips at me. 

"Don’t cry 

Don’t let the tears run 

Keep your head away from the 


You know it’s nothing. 

Follow your heart’s map. 

While you’ve done your first day


You’ll make it into the night 

And keep the goals in sight 

And With all your might 

Put one fist 

To the fight

And you’ll be singing..


I’m free …”


I’m free.


I’ll sing with the angels 

And let it 



A fresh soul glowing with life 

to infinity. 

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